NEWS SUBSCREVER INOV is a founding member of EACTDA 2020, April 24thread more Intelligent Systems Talks at the ISTAR-ISCTE Winter School 2020, February 12thread more INOV receives funding under the Interface Programme 2019, January 7thread more CICLOPE installs 82 meter tower 2018, September 26thread more ANDROMEDA is present at the FID2018 2018, May 14thread more Project ANDROMEDA prepares demonstration phase 2018, March 28thread more Demo Digital 4.0 begins selection of companies for focus groups 2018, February 28thread more SIIP passes final field test 2018, January 10thread more Demo Digital 4.0 starts in Aveiro 2017, December 21stread more INOV presents solutions applied to energy efficiency 2017, November 27thread more INOV organizes workshop on GDPR 2017, October 27thread more e-BALANCE completed with positive review 2017, October 20thread more « Older Entries Next Entries »