The project Demo Digital 4.0 completed the presentation phase among industrial companies from the North and Centre of Portugal with two sessions in Águeda (8th February) and Oliveira de Azeméis (27th February), gathering about 80 representatives of SMEs.

O projeto, que tem por objetivo promover o processo de transformação digital das PME através da demonstração de tecnologias em contextos reais, parte agora para a fase de avaliação das declarações de intenção de participação. O processo terá em conta pré-requisitos definidos para potenciar o impacto dos projetos-pilotos, tornando-os montras privilegiadas para valorização e demonstração das potencialidades da Indústria 4.0. junto das PME.

This project, which aims at promoting the process of digital transformation of SME through technologies demonstration in real contexts, now initiates the process of selection of companies that have shared their willingness to act as demonstrators. The selection will consider the companies with more potential of impact for the pilot to display the technologies applied and promote the advantages of Industry 4.0 among SMEs.

The next phase will entail focus groups with the companies in order to select one per demonstrator to be implemented:

  • Demo 1: Reconversion of equipment for network integration
  • Demo 2: Management and forecast of equipment ou components failure along production lines
  • Demo 3: Cyber physical production systems
  • Demo 4: Indoor/outdoor positioning