Project FAQtos featured on TECH 3

FAQtos was featured on the programme TECH 3 this week, onRTP Notícias (public news channel). The FAQtos project, developed by INOV, makes publicly available relevant information on electromagnetic radiation in mobile communications, namely concepts related to...

INOV is a Centre for Technology and Innovation

O INOV foi reconhecido como Centro de Tecnologia e Inovação (CTI) na área de Tecnologias de Informação, Comunicações e Eletrónica (TICE). (Despacho n.º 9799-A/2022) “Os Centros de Tecnologia e Inovação (CTI) são entidades que se dedicam à produção, difusão e...

IoT in energy consumption monitorization

“IoT based monitoring of energy consumption in water resource recovery facilities” is the article featured in INgenium magazine about the work developed by INOV in collaboration with Águas do Tejo Atlântico (AdTA), within project InteGrid –...

INESC and Público launch award Vencer o Adamastor

INESC and Público lauch the award Vencer o Adamastor to distinguish innovative work of young researchers, developed in Portugal, in the fields of electrical engineering, computing and related areas. The prize will honour work that shows not only scientific excellence,...

EFFECTOR – Final workshop – 15 September

The final workshop of the EFFECTOR project will take place on 15 September in Toulouse (France) to present the project results, demonstrate the developed solution and discuss its progress beyond the end of the project. O evento será em formato híbrido. Participation...

ENSURESEC Final Conference with over 70 participants

The H2020 project ENSURESEC – End-to-end Security of the Digital Single Market’s e-commerce and Delivery Service Ecosystem celebrated the successful conclusion of its activities with a public final conference. Renowned experts from European organisations emphasized...