INOV and Portuguese Navy in collaboration in EFFECTOR

INOV and the Portuguese Navy having been collaborating in several European projects throughout the years. The most recent project was EFFECTOR, que terminou em setembro, e teve por objetivo mimprove maritime surveillance, improve decision support and promote...

INOV at Caminho da Inovação 2022

INOV participated in Caminho da Inovação 2022, an event organized by Águas do Tejo Atlântico on October 4, where researchers Professor Augusto Casaca and Professor Serafim Nunes presented the results of the work done with AdTA. In the exhibition, the researchers made...

ComSEC presented at ESORICS 2022

On September 30, INOV researcher and Tech Leader Filipe Apolinário presented the article ComSEC: Secure communications for baggage handling systems at theCPS4CIP – Cyber-Physical Security for Critical Infrastructures Protection workshop, at ESORICS 2022 symposium...

Fish2Fork Workshop

INOV organises in October 11th a workshop within Fish2Fork project, with the participation of researchers from ISCTE and Molde University, and national companies. Access the agenda. The event is free, subject to...