INOV was recognized as a Centre for Technology and Innovation (CTI) in the area of Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) and Electronics. (Order No. 9799-A/2022)
“The Centres for Technology and Innovation (CTI) are entities dedicated to the production, dissemination and transmission of knowledge, oriented towards companies and towards the creation of economic value, contributing to the pursuit of public policy objectives, framed in the fields of specialisation that are national priorities or of the regions in which they operate.” (ANI, 2022).
This way, INOV continues to consolidate its path as an interface entity whose ultimate objective is to help companies (with a focus on SMEs) in their innovation and internationalization processes, through technological endogenization as a differentiating factor in their growth strategies.
This is followed by the call for the co-financing of the CTI, launched on 1st September. This funding, with an initial allocation of 80 million euros within the scope of the Interface Mission, provided for in the Recovery and Resilience Plan (PRR), gives the CTI – until 2026 – the possibility to expand and consolidate their technological and intervention capacity.
The Centres for Technology and Innovation are under the responsibility of the Ministry of Economy and Sea, with ANI – National Innovation Agency being the entity responsible for directing the procedures.