Cybersecurity and Blockchain Seminar

Fish2Fork project co-organises the Cybersecurity and Blockchain Seminar, in collaboration with IEEE Portugal, between 6-15 September. Registrations open until 3 September. More information abou the seminar...

[X] Sessions – ISACA Lisbon Chapter – Blockchain

João Rodrigues, investigador do INOV, participa nas [X] Sessions, organizadas pela ISACA Lisbon Chapter. A sessão dedicada ao tema Blockchain: Inovação e Normalização decorre no dia 7 de julho, às 18:00, em formato presencial. O investigador irá apresentar a atividade...

FAQtos 2022 Award Ceremony

The ceremony of the FAQtos 2022 Award will take place on 16 July (Saturday), in the afternoon, at the Congress Centre of the Instituto Superior Técnico. The ten finalist teams will present their projects to the final jury that will select the 3 winners of the FAQtos...

T-SESSION | IoT and Smart Cities

On 30 June, at 5pm, we’ll be talking about Iot and Smart Cities – Applied Projects with Professor João Ferreira (INOV/ISCTE). The session will cover the vision of IoT systems and their applications in smart cities, with examples of collaboration with...

Fish2Fork | Summer School ISCTE-INOV-Molde University

The registrations for the ISCTE-INOV-Molde University summer school of project Fish2Fork, promoted by INOV, are now open. The main objective of the project aims at creating a network of competences to ease information sharing and cooperation among all Fish sector...

INOV takes part in C-Days 2022

INOV will be present at the 8th edition of C-DAYS, dedicated to the theme “Investing in Prevention”. The national event on cybersecurity, organised by CNCS – Centro Nacional de Cibersegurança (National Cybersecurity Centre), has a programme of...