Fish2Fork Workshop
INOV organises in October 11th a workshop within Fish2Fork project, with the participation of researchers from ISCTE and Molde University, and national companies. Access the agenda.
The event is free, subject to registration.
INOV organises in October 11th a workshop within Fish2Fork project, with the participation of researchers from ISCTE and Molde University, and national companies. Access the agenda.
The event is free, subject to registration.
The final workshop of the EFFECTOR project will take place on 15 September in Toulouse (France) to present the project results, demonstrate the developed solution and discuss its progress beyond the end of the project.
The event will be in a hybrid format. Participation is free of charge, subject to registration by 20 August.
More about the workshop here.
João Rodrigues, investigador do INOV, participa nas [X] Sessions, organizadas pela ISACA Lisbon Chapter. A sessão dedicada ao tema Blockchain: Inovação e Normalização decorre no dia 7 de julho, às 18:00, em formato presencial. O investigador irá apresentar a atividade do INOV nos projetos MED Food TTHubs e IRIS.
Mais informação sobre o evento e incrições aqui.
The ceremony of the FAQtos 2022 Award will take place on 16 July (Saturday), in the afternoon, at the Congress Centre of the Instituto Superior Técnico.
The ten finalist teams will present their projects to the final jury that will select the 3 winners of the FAQtos 2022 Award. The final jury includes representatives from the FAQtos team, from the education area, from companies and from official entities.
The FAQtos Award is a national competition aimed at all secondary school students from all areas and courses, regardless of the nature of the school. This year the theme chosen for the creation of the projects was “Radio Frequencies and Society”.
All the information about the competition is available on the FAQtos portal, on Facebook and Instagram.
On 30 June, at 5pm, we’ll be talking about Iot and Smart Cities – Applied Projects with Professor João Ferreira (INOV/ISCTE).
The session will cover the vision of IoT systems and their applications in smart cities, with examples of collaboration with Lisbon City Council and companies. It will also discuss the role of universities in terms of training and interaction with public and private organisations.
The online event is free to attend, subject to registration here.