Vale Indústria 4.0 – INOV accredited in innovation services

INOV is recognised to provide innovation services within Vale Indústria 4.0. such as consulting and technological development to accelerate companies’ adoption of solutions leading to disruptive business through digital transformation. This action sets out to promote...

INOV on its way to ISO 9001:2015 certification

INOV is developing and implementing a Quality Management System that will be submitted by the end of the year to certification under NP EN ISO 9001:2015. Adopting a system to ensure quality management at INOV is a global process involving the entire team and that will...

CICLOPE to install 19 new surveillance towers by 2018

CICLOPE signed three new contracts for the installation of 19 surveillance towers in the region of Santarém and Castelo Branco. With these towers, CICLOPE predicts to cover 20% of the Portuguese territory. The contracts with Comunidade Intermunicipal do Médio Tejo,...

INOV participates in cybersecurity project COMPACT

Project COMPACT – Competitive Methods to protect local Public Administration from Cyber security Threats took off in 24th-25th of May in Rome. This project involves 14 partners from five European countries to rise to the challenge of empowering Local Public...

INOV partners in European project MARISA

INOV participated in the kick-off meeting of the European project MARISA – Maritime Integrated Surveillance Awareness, from 17th-19th of May in Rome. MARISA project sets itself for the development of a data fusion kit enabling maritime security forces to effectively...