INOV presents solutions applied to energy efficiency

INOV was at the event “O caminho da Inovação” of Águas do Alentejo, on 14th November at Fábrica da Água de Alcântara, contributing to the debate of the future of innovation in the water supply sector. INOV presented a low cost smart energy meter, which is developing...

INOV receives HiTech Information Session

The academic community of INESC and IST will have the opportunity, on the 28th of November at 2 pm, to attend the Information Session of HiTech, a training Program that supports researchers’ translating cutting-edge technology and scientific discoveries into business...

INOV organizes workshop on GDPR

In partnership with the Association of Municipalities of the Region of Setúbal, INOV organised on 26th October a workshop dedicated to security and data privacy within the scope of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) applicable from May 2018. The fifth...

e-BALANCE completed with positive review

The European project e-balance is now completed after three and a half years of 11 partners from 5 Member-States working together to integrate energy customers into the future smart-grids. The goal was to address environmental problems with holistic technical...

Demo Digital 4.0 project approved within COMPETE 2020

INOV’s submission to the Support System for Collective Actions – Transfer of Scientific and Technological Knowledge was accepted and DemoDigital 4.0 approved. With the main objective of opening and demonstrating the possibilities of Industry 4.0 by supporting SMEs...

Nine proposals submitted to H2020

Within the call for proposals to H2020 – Societal Challenges – Secure societies – Protecting freedom and security of Europe and its citizens, INOV participated in the submission of nine applications. The projects, presented in collaboration with European...