Passenger Terminal EXPO2022

Filipe Apolinário, cybersecurity engineer at INOV, participates in Passenger Terminal Expo 2022 as part of the work developed on the project SATIE. The following topics will be addressed at the round table: The tools developed by INOV in this context: BP-IDS, BIA and...

INOV participates in cybersecurity project COMPACT

Project COMPACT – Competitive Methods to protect local Public Administration from Cyber security Threats took off in 24th-25th of May in Rome. This project involves 14 partners from five European countries to rise to the challenge of empowering Local Public...

Public Demonstration of ECOSSIAN

INOV, Policia Judiciária, Infraestruturas de Portugal and IP Telecom on the 16 of February demonstrated how the FP7 ECOSSIAN project can address the needs of protecting national critical infrastructures against counter-attacks. In an event joining experts in the field...