Researchers from INOV, João Lima, Filipe Apolinário, Nelson Escravana and Carlos Ribeiro, presented the article “BP-IDS: Using Business Process Specification to Leverage Intrusion Detection in Critical Infrastructures”, that won the prize for “Best Industry Paper” in 2020 IEEE 31st International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering (ISSRE 2020) conference, on 14th October.

The article presents the Business Process Intrusion Detection System (BP-IDS), developed at INOV with the objective of protecting the essential assets of organisations, especially when refering to critical infrastructures.

Aimed at infrastructures such as energy networks, transport operators and industrial facilities, BP-IDS tracks the execution of business processes through sensors installed in the organization’s Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) structure, comparing it, in time -real, with the specifications of the processes that support business specified in the Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN).