Zero-knowledge (ZK) has emerged as a prominent term in the blockchain landscape, yet its understanding remains elusive to many. The demand for zero-knowledge engineers is on the rise, with attractive compensation packages. Despite a plethora of information available in the form of blog posts, videos, and links, the disorganization of this wealth of knowledge can be overwhelming and intimidating.

To address this issue, INESC Lisboa will be holding a talk this month with Professor Jeroen van de Graaf from the Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Brazil, whose expertise we are sure will shed light on this issue for our engineers, researchers, and other associates.

This presentation, tailored for professionals with a technical background, aims to demystify the terminology and dive into the essence of the ZK hype.


Professor Jeroen van de Graaf is a distinguished cryptographer with a focus on both theoretical and applied aspects of cryptographic protocols. His expertise spans unconditional privacy and transparency, encompassing protocols based on noise, election and mixing protocols, general two- and multi-party computation, privacy-preserving machine learning, differential privacy, and verifiable generation of random strings.

Since March 2011, he has been affiliated with the Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais. As of November 2022, he has been contributing his expertise through consulting for Metis/ZKM, further enriching his extensive portfolio in the field of cryptography.