Horizontal Version
The logo must be used as exemplified.
These formats should be reproduced from original high-quality artworks.
These formats should be reproduced from original high-quality artworks.
To preserve the integrity and legibility of the logo and symbol, a clear space has been defined in relation to other graphic elements. The boundaries of the logo’s clear space are defined based on the “X” spacing.
The name of the font used in the logo is:
Gotham Rounded.
To ensure consistency across all communication
materials, it is recommended to use the following
font weights: Bold, Medium, and Book, along with
their respective italic variants.
The name of the supporting font for the logo and
text is: Gotham.
To maintain coherence across all communication
materials, it is recommended to use the following
font weights: Bold, Book, Light, and their
respective italic variants.
Gotham Rounded.
To ensure consistency across all communication
materials, it is recommended to use the following
font weights: Bold, Medium, and Book, along with
their respective italic variants.
The name of the supporting font for the logo and
text is: Gotham.
To maintain coherence across all communication
materials, it is recommended to use the following
font weights: Bold, Book, Light, and their
respective italic variants.
Name Logo Typography
Gotham Rounded Bold
Gotham Rounded Medium
Gotham Rounded Book
Gotham Rounded – Characters
abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMN OPQRSTUVWXYZ €&#$¢£¥ 0123456789 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz *%‰\\\\/aoTM?!.,:;•”@ ( ) – _ · | − + × ÷ = ± < >
Gotham – Characters
abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMN OPQRSTUVWXYZ €&#$¢£¥ 0123456789 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz *%‰\\\\/aoTM?!.,:;•”@ ( ) – _ · | − + × ÷ = ± < >
The colors illustrated in this manual are merely
representative and do not aim to reproduce the
standards of Pantone colors or other systems.
representative and do not aim to reproduce the
standards of Pantone colors or other systems.