Award ceremony for the 2nd edition of Vencer o Adamastor

The ceremony for the 2nd edition of the Vencer o Adamastor Award was held at the Técnico Innovation Center on 23 July. The Vencer o Adamastor 2024 Award was presented to Manuel Goulão, for his work ‘Post-Quantum Secure Multi-Party Computation: Cryptography Fighting...


INOV and SONAE are the Portuguese partners in project ENSURESEC (H2020). The European project aims to develop a sociotechnical solution for safeguarding the Digital Single Market’s e-commerce operations against cyber and physical threats. The project was featured this...

INOV receives funding under the Interface Programme

On 19th December, INOV signed a financing contract in the amount of 1 million and 310 thousand euros, under the Interface Programme, for the valorisation of Information, Communications Technologies (ICT) and Electronics in the areas of Circular Economy, Digital...