Passenger Terminal EXPO2022

Filipe Apolinário, cybersecurity engineer at INOV, participates in Passenger Terminal Expo 2022 as part of the work developed on the project SATIE. The following topics will be addressed at the round table: The tools developed by INOV in this context: BP-IDS, BIA and...

20 May 2022 | ENSURESEC Closing Conference

The closing conference of ENSURESEC project, coordinated by INOV, will take place 20 May 2022, in on-line format and open to partners, e-commerce and cybersecurity stakeholders and all interested in these issues. At the event, the consortium will present the...

IRIS plenary meeting in Lisbon

The first plenary meeting of the IRIS project, coordinated by INOV, took place on the 4th and 5th of May in Lisbon and remotely format, with around 100 participants. The project started in September 2021 and is dedicated to research and development of solutions to...


INOV and SONAE are the Portuguese partners in project ENSURESEC (H2020). The European project aims to develop a sociotechnical solution for safeguarding the Digital Single Market’s e-commerce operations against cyber and physical threats. The project was featured this...

SATIE: Demonstration in Athens International Airport

The first of three SATIE demonstrations was carried out on the 11th of June, 2021 at the Athens International Airport (AIA) premises in Spata, Attica, Greece (see Figure 1). It was a hybrid – i.e. both virtual and physical – event. The main objective of the SATIE...