Providing future scenarios and a roadmap for a wide agri-food blockchain implementation.
TRUSTyFOOD aims to support to the Strategic Research Agenda of the future joint research program on the subject of Blockchain, sheding light on the current partial and fragmented picture of BCT applications in the agri-food domain.
By clarifying the benefits and opportunities which BCT can concretely to stakeholders throughout the food chain offer and providing the most suitable tool to each targeted stakeholder for prompt, easy and effective implementation of BC technology in their own context.
- Enlarge the knowledge base and insight into Blockchain applications in different domains and in the food system, both through primarily public data sources as well as activating a stable dialogue with stakeholders
- Identify drivers and barriers (e.g why communities, i.e. users, accept/reject blockchain-based projects, the mistakes done by others for not repeating them, the best and innovative practices in blockchain development in agri-food sector – considering its complexity)
- Arrive to formulate recommendations (both to public authorities and private stakeholders) on how blockchain technologies can contribute to the successful food system transition towards more sustainable and transparent supply chains, preserve the environment and increase societal resilience
- Provide future scenarios and a roadmap for agri-food blockchain implementation
- Set up of an innovative framework of services for prompt, easy and effective application of BC-technology in the agri-food sector
INOV & INESC-ID Participation:
TRUSTyFOOD intends to support the Strategic Research Agenda of the future joint research program on the subject of Blockchain Technology (BCT) by shedding light on the current partial and fragmented picture of BCT applications in the agri-food domain, by clarifying the benefits and opportunities which BCT can concretely to stakeholders throughout the food chain offer and by providing the most suitable tool to each targeted stakeholder for prompt, easy and effective implementation in their own context.
INOV and INESC-ID will be instrumental as BCT experts, namely in mapping and assessing as-is and to-be BCTs applications through primarily public data sources as well as existing use cases from different domains.