STORM has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 700191.
Safeguarding Cultural Heritage through Technical and Organisational Resources Management
An important result of STORM will be a cooperation platform for collaboratively collecting and enhancing knowledge, processes and methodologies on sustainable and effective safeguarding and management of European Cultural Heritage. The system will be capable of performing risk assessment on natural hazards taking into account environmental and anthropogenic risks, and of using Complex Events processing. Results will be tested in relevant case studies in five different countries: Italy, Greece, UK, Portugal and Turkey.
INOV Participation
INOV contribues in this project by::
- Developing and testing a portable induced fluorescence sensor capable of early detection of biological contamination (chlorophyll containing biofilms) developing on the surface of historical monuments and artefacts (e.g. frescos). The variable to monitor will be the complete induced emission spectrum in the range of 550-900 nm.
- Contributing to development of risk assessment and management methodology via elaboration of innovative tools for multi-dimensional risk assessment and management.
- Participating in creation of resilient communication service among stakeholders. The communication links to be developed will keep compatibility with several other INOV services and will be reused in these services.
In addition, as technological partner INOV provides technical support to one of the principal beneficiary partners of the project, Troiaresort – Investimentos TurÍsticos, S.A., which manages the archaeological site Roman Ruins of Tróia, situated near Lisbon.
The project ended in 2019.