Multi-functional optoelectronic detection systemMulti-functional optoelectronic detection system
The main motivation of the project was to put into operation a surveillance system for use in industrial plants, outdoor warehouses, urban and road infrastructures, etc.
Within the framework of the project a comprehensive low cost solution (fire detection system and intrusion) was developed, which allows the detection of fixed or moving solid targets, smoke plumes and aerosols in open or confined spaces up to the ranges between 100 and 500 m, depending on the emitter/received configuration and target retro-reflectivity.
Rua Alves Redol, 9
1000-029 Lisboa
Tel. +351 213 100 450
Fax. +351 213 100 445
Morro do Lena - Alto do Vieiro, C
2411-901 Leiria
Tel. +351 244 843 424
Fax. +351 244 843 435
Rua da Boavista (AIDA) | ZI Taboeira - Alagoas
3800-115 Aveiro
Tel. +351 234 302 409
Fax. +351 234 302 499
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