Airport vehicle control and management system
It is a vehicle management and control system in an airport environment, in coordination with aircraft monitoring, allowing to increase the safety of people in all areas of the airport by providing essential and accurate information on the identification of vehicles and their location in the monitored space.
With the implementation of the system it is possible to monitor all types of vehicles moving on the airport apron: airport operations vehicles, service, catering, baggage transportation, fuel, maintenance, fire service, police and customs vehicles.
Navigation and Guidance
The system allows you to identify the precise position of vehicles on moving maps of the airport.
Monitoring & Control Services
The system allows monitoring of system integrity – its status and performance – alerting users – even when the system is not operational. Through customized and interactive graphical interfaces the user can detect conflicts and violations of airport rules.
SAFEGROUND allows the detection of conflicts and/or infringements such as the risk of collision between vehicles and aircraft on the ground and the incursion of unauthorized vehicles in restricted areas, through an alarm/alert system in cases of risk.
Decision support for increased airport efficiency
With the monitoring of flight, driver and vehicle information on the airport apron and the system of alerts and system integrity information, SAFEGROUND acts as a decision support system in the management of airport operations and the various stakeholders.
Customization & Interoperability
SAFEGROUND is configurable, interoperable and collaborative with other airport systems, from A-CDM (Airport-Collaborative Decision Making) to air traffic control (Tower) according to ASTERIX (Eurocontrol) standards, and/or with other ground vehicle surveillance systems such as ADS-B (Automatic Dependent Surveillance Broadcast).