Low-Cost Multispetral Camera

Low-Cost Multispetral Camera


Develop a new low-cost multispectral camera that can be installed in the field, sending images regularly to a user and/or for local processing of the images acquired. The multispectral camera will be formed by an array of cameras, each with a transparent optical filter at a given light wavelength.


Several possible uses of the technology will be tested:

  • Automatic fish identification system for fishing vessels
  • Non-destructive measurement of sugars in the grape
  • Incorporation of the multispectral camera in two systems, one for monitoring fisheries and another for fleet management

INOV participation

  • Construction of a prototype for a multispectral camera
  • Development of algorithms that allow fish identification with data from the camera
  • Adapting the use of the camera to a viticulture task
  • Development of algorithms that identify the level of conservation of transported perishable products


Project name: MULTICAM
Code: 69271

Main objective: Strengthening research, technological development and innovation

Intervention region: Leiria

Promoter: XSEALENCE – Sea Technologies, S.A

Copromoters: INOV – Instituto de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computadores Inovação; Universidade da Beira Interior; Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro

Approval date: 23-11-2020
Start date: 28-02-2021
End date: 31-08-2023

Total eligible cost: 947.953,12 €

EU funding: 702.068,44 € (FEDER)


Rua Alves Redol, 9

1000-029 Lisboa

Tel. +351 213 100 450

Fax. +351 213 100 445



Morro do Lena - Alto do Vieiro, C

2411-901 Leiria

Tel. +351 244 843 424

Fax. +351 244 843 435



Rua da Boavista (AIDA) | ZI Taboeira - Alagoas

3800-115 Aveiro

Tel. +351 234 302 409

Fax. +351 234 302 499

Certified entity

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