Name : MPP – Monitorização Persistente de Pista
Code: 39876
Main objective: Strengthening research, technological development and innovation
Region of Intervention: Leiria
Beneficiary entities: Tecmic, Tecnologias de Microeletrónica, SA, INOV – Instituto de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computadores Inovação, ANA – Aeroportos de Portugal
Approval date: 10-05-2019
Start date: 01-08-2019
End date: 16-08-2022
Total eligible cost: 1.057.365,65 €
EU financial support: FEDER – 531266,15 €
Persistent Runway Monitoring
The project aims to investigate and develop a non-invasive system of Persistent Runway Monitoring (MPP), focused on the contact zone of the aircraft wheels (normally subjected to greater tension), to identify surface degradation, foreign objects and thickness of sheets of water.
MPP addresses three main results:
detect the formation of cracks or deformations in the runway pavement, which will allow the airport to readjust the runway maintenance operations according to needs, reducing the environmental impact (contributing to extend the life of the infrastructure, mitigating the need for more substantive interventions and therefore with greater impact) and the costs associated with maintenance;
allow detecting objects / debris (FOD – foreign object debris) that can significantly affect the runway operation
Identify the risk of aquaplaning, by monitoring the characterization of the water table on the runway, using optical spectroscopy to calibrate this functionality.
The project encompasses the execution of a pilot to test in the touchdown zone of the aircraft on the runway, an area subjected to greater stress (e.g. wear caused by the impact of the aircraft wheels on the runway) mainly on runways with a high number of movements.