MOG Wall Screen

Project name: MOG WALL SCREEN

Project code: POCI-01-0247-FEDER-017891

Procedure: R&D / Copromotion Project

Funding Programme: COMPETE 2020

Region of Intervention: Nacional

Promotor: MOG Wall Screen

Co-promotors: INOV  e Universidade do Minho

Approval date: 2017-06-27

Start data: 2017-07-14

Predicted end date: 2020-07-13

Total eligible cost: 797.631,31

EU financial support: 577.422,15 (FEDER)


The general objective of MOG WALL SCREEN is to develop a platform capable of interconnecting video domains for UHD professionals and the existing information systems infrastructures, based on IoT trends, in order to allow, not only, the acquisition and reproduction of audio and video in UHD, but also their publication, management, monitoring, as well as the collection of statistical data.

The following specific objectives are associated with the general objective of the project:

  • Define and implement a hardware acceleration system capable of processing large amounts of information in real time (especially, in environments with resolution up to 8K);

  • Develop and implement video reception and transmission modules and other interfaces, in HDL language;

  • Improve UHD video capture, compression and playback performance.

The co-promoters of the project defined a work methodology based on eight activities:

  1. Preliminary studies and technical specifications

  2. Refinement of technical specifications and definition of functional specifications

  3. Technical feasibility study with the preparation of preliminary prototypes

  4. Design of the system validation environment

  5. Prototype construction

  6. Tests and trials

  7. Promotion and scientific and technological dissemination of results

  8. Technical project management