Revolutionizing River Information Systems with EGNOSGALEWATT
Revolutionizing River Information Systems with EGNOS
GALEWATT aimed to replace the conventional River Information System and local DGPS (Differential GPS) stations by collecting direct Egnos signal from the transponders installed on board vessels, making the implementation of the Trans-European RIS easier and cheaper. Demonstration of the availability of improved EGNOS, or Galileo, satellite navigation (generating strategic traffic images, improving RIS in relation to the EGNOS parameters, introducing an anticollision system and related alert mechanisms) was also included. INOV partners in this project were Via Donau, Telematica and Kongsberg Seatex.
Project funded by the European Space Agency.
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1000-029 Lisboa
Tel. +351 213 100 450
Fax. +351 213 100 445
Morro do Lena - Alto do Vieiro, C
2411-901 Leiria
Tel. +351 244 843 424
Fax. +351 244 843 435
Rua da Boavista (AIDA) | ZI Taboeira - Alagoas
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Tel. +351 234 302 409
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