European Network Against Crime and Terrorism



The main objective of ENACT is to develop a knowledge network for security Research and Innovation (R&I) in the field of Fighting Crime and Terrorism, articulating a mechanism of “knowledge as a service”, which shall be useful even beyond the project duration, and providing the European Commission and the security R&I community with periodic and timely evidence-based policy feedback.


The ENACT project will develop a network that is easy to set up, maintain and exploit while making sure to avoid overlap with any existing initiatives. In doing so, ENACT aims to make significant contributions to the European security R&I community by expanding its knowledge base and access thereto, specifically with regards to responding to the needs of the stakeholders in a workable format and with the right timing. The foreseen outcomes of the project include the better use and dissemination of different research projects developed within the EU as well as the provision of materials allowing stakeholders to better evaluate new security technologies. To complete the proposed goals, the ENACT project will compile and process existing information from different sources, which include other Knowledge Hubs and projects funded by the EU or State Members, reports, whitepapers and various policy documents.