
Transforming the Workplace Experience for Senior Professionals

Transforming the Workplace Experience for Senior Professionals


Active@Work is dedicated to providing a comprehensive solution that streamlines the integration and responsibilities of senior workers. The project deploys advanced wearable multi-sensors to monitor crucial health parameters, fostering an environment that promotes user compliance for enhanced health status monitoring. To ensure market relevance, end-users are actively involved from the project’s early stages, overcoming limitations present in existing market solutions.

Key Features

  1. Advanced Wearable Technology:
    Active@Work integrates cutting-edge wearable multi-sensors to monitor and study individual health status, emphasizing the improvement of compliance in monitoring through advanced wearables.
  2. User-Centric Approach:
    The inclusion of end-users from an early stage ensures that the Active@Work prototype aligns with market needs, overcoming limitations of existing solutions and addressing the unique requirements of senior workers.
  3. Multi-Modal Solution:
    The project aims to deliver a versatile solution accessible via various platforms such as PC, tablets, or smartphones. This multi-modal approach allows for natural and personalized interactions between the virtual assistant and end-users.


The primary objectives of the Active@Work project include the development of a Virtual Assistant tool specifically designed to assist adult workers, particularly those nearing retirement age. This tool will empower users to continue their daily work or maintain an active lifestyle without compromising health. The incorporation of an “intelligent agent” ensures personalized assistance while preventing risks associated with fatigue or stress at work.

Results and Impact

  1. Bio-Parameter Monitoring:
    Active@Work aims to detect and monitor a set of bio-parameters using state-of-the-art multi-sensor wearable devices, providing valuable insights into individual health conditions.
  2. Cognitive System and Services Catalogue:
    The project will deliver a cognitive system capable of interpreting work environment conditions and a comprehensive catalog of services to assist senior workers in their daily tasks.
  3. Collaborative Platform:
    A cutting-edge collaborative platform will be implemented, fostering interactions and the sharing of experiences between older and younger employees.
  4. Cognitive Skills Enhancement:
    Senior workers will benefit from exercises designed to enhance cognitive skills or recover skill levels within a specialized training environment.
  5. Real-World Pilots:
    The solution will be tested in two distinct pilots, the first under the guidance of a medical clinic, and the second within a multinational consulting company, ensuring real-world applicability and effectiveness.

Project Sheet:

Project name: Active Older Adults@Workplace
Duration: 30 Months
Starting Date: 01.06.2014
Total budget: € 3.024.127
Public contribution: € 1.876.727


Rua Alves Redol, 9

1000-029 Lisboa

Tel. +351 213 100 450

Fax. +351 213 100 445



Morro do Lena - Alto do Vieiro, C

2411-901 Leiria

Tel. +351 244 843 424

Fax. +351 244 843 435



Rua da Boavista (AIDA) | ZI Taboeira - Alagoas

3800-115 Aveiro

Tel. +351 234 302 409

Fax. +351 234 302 499

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